The Silent Suffering: 10 Tips To Better Your Understanding Colon and Rectal Disease.
Colon and rectal diseases, commonly known as colorectal diseases, encompass a wide range of disorders affecting the lower digestive tract. Despite their prevalence, these conditions often go unnoticed, resulting in serious consequences for patients. This article aims to shed light on the gravity of colorectal diseases and the urgent need for increased awareness and early intervention.
Colonoscopy Preparation
Please review these instructions thoroughly at least 10 days prior to your procedure. Proper preparation is very important, so please follow the directions exactly. Address Special Circumstances First Are you on blood thinners such as Coumadin (Wafarin) or Plavix? If you are prescribed blood thinning agents, consult with the prescribing physician to see about temporarily […]
Preparation For Your First Visit
Please have all insurance information available for our visit. You may eat and drink normally before your appointment. Do not take any laxatives or purgatives by mouth. Purchase one saline Fleet Enema (green and white box) from your local pharmacy or supermarket. Two hours before your appointment time, administer the first […]